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Huajun and power company in Guangzhou. 一茶 yicha LOGO
CompanyName:Huajun and power company in Guangzhou. - yicha
CompanyIdea:Hard work and innovation! 
CompanyAddress:shipai road, Tianhe district, Guangzhou City, 111th, 1908 map
CompanyBrief:Guangzhou Jumbo power co., Bodegas Chandon Quanzhou tea co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "tea"), established in 2010, is located in Quanzhou, Fujian province. Is a professional production and sales of tea manufacturers. Main products: oolong tea, green tea, white tea, black tea, rock, and so on. Company currently employs 200 people, produces and sells 80 million. The company has consistently adhered to "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract,&qu...
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