Company Introduction - Accuplas Mold limited - Cardofcom
Accuplas模具有限公司 accupl LOGO
Company Introduction
With more than 15 years of faithful service in mold industrial, Accuplas has accumulated rich experience in mold design, manufacture, and validation. We carefully compile our experience, and introduce it into our training system, so that it is ascended from knowledge in one person's brain to knowledge that directs a team. Our state of the art machining equipments and software is another firm foundation that ensures us to provide quality mold. Accuplas believes that management is an important method of improving quality and efficiency, and Accuplas is certified by both ISO9001 and ISO14001.
In the past years, Accuplas has served a large variety of market includes Automobile, medical industrial, house hold electrical appliance, computer, consumer products, pipe fitting, telecommunication, industrial equipment, package, etc....
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版权所有 沧州双一商贸有限公司 冀ICP备16002221号