Company Introduction - Lanzhou Huanghe Enterprise Co.,Ltd. - Cardofcom
Company Introduction

Lanzhou Huanghe Enterprise Co., Ltd. was established in December 1993, in Gansu Province one of the earliest joint-stock enterprises set up, but also present Lanzhou municipal enterprises only the domestic A-share listed companies. June 23, 1999 the Yellow River in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed shares, the total share capital of 18,576.6 million at present.

company's main beer, beverages, barley, malt, forage production, processing and marketing, currently has Lanzhou Huang Jia beer Co., Ltd Qinghai Huang Jia beer, beer, Gansu Tianshui gallop Ltd., the Jiuquan Western Brewery Co., Ltd. joint venture of four producers of beer and Lanzhou Huanghe Brewery Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Yellow River Malt Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Yellow (Jinchang) Malt Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Yellow River efficient agriculture development Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Yellow River Investment Guarantee Co., Ltd., Lanzhou Huanghe beautifully packaged 10 subsidiaries. As of the end of 2007, the company has total assets of 1.4 billion annual beer production capacity of 400,000 tons, 20,000 tons beverages, malt 12 million tons, 100,000 tons of forage.

Yellow beer since its inception in 1985, to regulate the operation, scientific management, development, reward shareholders and the community corporate purposes, to follow strict, precise, detailed, real business style, to break the routine, innovation management, relying on the operating system market economy, high quality system and indomitable spirit of enterprise, the past twenty one year has become a national well-known beer brands, sales market throughout the 31 provinces. In February 2002, the Yellow River Beer trademark SAIC recognized as China Well-known trademarks, as the domestic beer industry, following Qingdao, Yanjing after the third well-known trademarks, industrial consumer goods, Gansu Province, the only one well-known trademarks.

to ensure the company has sufficient capacity for sustainable development, the company based on regional advantages, the business advantages and local resources , drink beer, barley malt, packaging and printing three business simultaneously, relying on the outside within the lead, a large capital investment and high-tech equipment, and gradually become stronger and bigger economies of scale. In August 2004, the company successfully introduced a strategic investor in the main business of beer in Denmark and the Danish Carlsberg Brewery Co., Ltd. Foundation for industrialization in developing countries, according to a joint venture contract, not only introduce foreign investment 150 million yuan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces in the formation of four joint venture of the beer business, beer production capacity to enable the company recently reached 40 million tons, the mid-70 million tons, ranking first northwest, and can learn from the world's fifth largest brewer Carlsberg Brewery Co., the Danish business management, technical processes, marketing ideas to enhance the company's overall business management, international marketing network with Carlsberg, will the Chinese Yellow River as an international brand well-known brand. The current joint goal has been successfully achieved.

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