Company Culture |
gutian company creates a flat-grid structure: there is no hierarchy, and no predetermined communication channels; on the contrary, we communicate directly to each other, and has a team of various professionals in charge. these are how to implement? Colleague (not employees) employed in the general areas of work, its founder (and not a boss), under the guidance of deepening understanding of the opportunities and team goals, and seeks to project with its ability to adapt to and accountable. all of this is free and done in an environment of cooperation, both independent and collaborative. everyone can soon win the trust to develop and implement the project. the sponsors help colleagues develop a plan of organization so that it can contribute to the self realization and to maximize the benefits for the company. managers may be appointed, but this is due to the presence of "followers" defined. more often is that leadership is showing through their expertise, skills and experience to promote business objectives to achieve in the course of nature.
our colleagues must adhere to four basic principles:
fair here with each other, and fair treatment of our contacts with everyone encouragement, help and allow other members increase their knowledge, competence and responsibility of free commitment and capacity to fulfil its commitments before taking action that could affect the company's reputation to other colleagues to consult.