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Jiangsu Changhai Composite Materials Co.,Ltd 长海股份 CHANGHAI LOGO
CompanyName:Jiangsu Changhai Composite Materials Co.,Ltd - CHANGHAI
CompanyIdea:Committed to creating greater value for our customers! 
CompanyAddress:Jiangsu Changzhou Wujin Yaoguanzhen Tangqiao Village map
CompanyBrief:Jiang Su Changhai Composite Materials Co., Ltd. Changzhou City by the Sea Glass Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as a long sea glass) to establish the overall change is a professional manufacturer of fiberglass products, science and technology enterprises, homes for the town of Changzhou Wujin Yaoguan Tangqiao. The company has a joint venture subsidiary - Changzhou Changhai Glass Co., Ltd.. Founded in May 2000, after several years of rapid development, long sea glass from an annual ou...
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