CompanyName: | Dongfeng auto oil company in Henan province. - DFL | CompanyIdea: | to target enterprise development | CompanyWebsite: | http://www.dfoil.com | CompanyPhone: | 400 770 5180 | CompanFax: | 0374-8376555 | Email: | 328335310@qq.com | CompanyAddress: | Xu in xuchang city, Henan province road No. 3666 | CompanyBrief: | model for Dongfeng oil group to create private oil enterprises, was one of the earliest national brand revitalization of responsibility, mainly specializing in the production of lubricating oil enterprises. Dongfeng automotive oil, motorcycle oil for lubricant products, oils for construction machinery and industrial equipment oil, special lubricants and grease, brake fluid, antifreeze corrosion inhibitor liquid and so the whole range of chemical products.
Group covers the import of raw material... |