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News>Chan, chairman of Zoomlion of pure New Road at Harvard
Chan, chairman of Zoomlion of pure New Road at Harvard

internationalization of Chinese enterprises in three words

"Recently, BBC being hit," The Chinese are coming " But that plane. Today, I come, this is reality. "U.S. time at 8:30 on March 7 (Beijing time at 8:30 p.m. on March 7), with a witty opening remarks, the Chinese high-end equipment industry leading enterprise Zoomlion Chan, chairman of Harvard pure new stand on the podium, in the face, including industry professionals, financial industry, investors and students of Harvard University, including a number of audience, made a presentation entitled " The new Chinese companies into the international posture, "the keynote speech, proposed internationalization of Chinese enterprises in three key words: tolerance, sharing, responsibility.

the new chairman of the Harvard Zhan pure speech, is invited to attend the Harvard Business School lecture of Professor. The major contents of Professor is the resolution in the successful acquisition of Zoomlion world's third largest concrete machinery maker CIFA of Italy and the Case Zoomlion Hong Kong-listed H shares after the share price performance. Professor Jin believes that a large number of enterprises in China, Zoomlion towards international representatives. By analyzing the reference, you can seize the investment opportunities for U.S. investors to provide information.

new chairman Jim pure "Chinese enterprises into the international's new attitude" in the title this year on January 25 issued by the Italian President Leonardo International Award, referring to the acquisition of CIFA Zoomlion understanding. He believes that Chinese companies to international, must be localized. That is, to integrate into the local culture, do local businesses.

present, Chinese enterprises have to go abroad, but what what kind of attitude should be integrated into the international community? Zhan new chairman of "tolerance, shared responsibility," the three words in conjunction with CIFA in the integration process with the story, made a simple expression. In his view, the so-called tolerance, is respect, understanding and active adaptation. In Western culture very different, this difference will become a major obstacle to international development. Remove barriers need most is tolerance. Sharing means that the frank and open, cooperation and win-win situation. International economic colonization is not, not cultural colonialism, but to a common vision, to establish a common interest groups to achieve common development. Responsibility means that enterprises in the international, we should make a good local corporate citizen, we should bear due responsibility in the enterprise. Responsibility is often mutual. Enterprise responsible for the staff, the staff must be responsible for enterprise, thus forming a mutual commitment. Zhan new chairman emphasized that tolerance, sharing, responsibility, essentially a lower themselves, the achievements of other people's mind. Internationalization of Chinese enterprises need to have such breadth of mind, this is a new attitude into the international.

Zoomlion is a Chinese construction machinery and equipment manufacturing leader, started in 1992, 50 million loan, is now one of the world of construction machinery top ten companies, with annual sales exceeding 500 billion yuan, concrete machinery, construction crane, construction cranes, sanitation machinery and other products are among the highest in the occupied status of the Chinese market. Chan, chairman of the pure new business management in 2010 won the highest award in China, "Yuan Baohua Management Award."

Zhan new chairman of pure speech, full of passion and charisma, the audience responded with warm, sustained applause. After the speech, known for Harvard, said students are active in thinking, from the perspective of potential investors to Zoomlion prospects, etc., made with the new chairman of Zhan and exchanges.

Insiders evaluation, Zhan new chairman in January this year, issued by the President of Italy, "Leonardo International Award", and today on behalf of Chinese companies onto the rostrum, which means Chinese enterprises to enter the mainstream economy of the West's achievements have been recognized by all sectors of Western society, the Chinese enterprises to go out with a milestone. Even more commendable is the new chairman Zhan take this opportunity to demonstrate to the West the Chinese entrepreneurs and wise, generous and tolerant-minded pro-and a new image.

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