Company Introduction - Shanghai Shen-li High Tech Co.,Ltd. - Cardofcom
Company Introduction

song Shanghai Shen Li technology co., Ltd. was established in 1998, covering an area of 17,000 square meters, is the national focus on fostering the Ministry of science and technology, the Shanghai new energy in focus at all levels of Government support for private high-tech enterprises.

song superhuman after more than 10 years of independent innovation of science and technology research and development of high and low-temperature fuel cell technology has been the world's advanced level, with completely independent intellectual property rights.

song since 2008, power began all-vanadium redox flow energy storage technology research and development of science and technology, through technical cooperation and innovation, a completely different technical route, have developed high strength, good permeability, stability, reliability and low cost can be made entirely of high performance ion-exchange membrane.

song · talent management and technology team

song superhuman consists of electronic control technology research and development, Department of science and technology, Department of mechanical engineering, the Department of product design studio, catalyst, three dimensional simulation experiment, the Executive Office of the Department, marketing strategy Department, and other departments and agencies. the company with a staff of nearly 100 people, subjects across the electrochemical, chemical engineering, mechanical, electrical, automation, machine building, in technology, human resources, production, sales and application support for the fuel cell industry has laid a solid foundation. 

song · technology research and development and intellectual property protection

song as of December 31, 2010, Shanghai Shen Li technology co., Ltd. has applied to fuel cell technology at home and abroad of 343 items, of which 174 patents of invention; patent licensing 304 new threat definitions, of which 126 patents of invention, including United States Patent 4.

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