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Shanghai Wanjia Precision Components Co.,Ltd. 万佳联众 WANJIA LOGO
CompanyName:Shanghai Wanjia Precision Components Co.,Ltd. - WANJIA
CompanyIdea:professionalism, integrity, teamwork, innovation 
CompanyPhone:021 57863939(营销)/57862929/57864786 (总机)
CompanFax:021 57863535/57862211
CompanyAddress:Shanghai, Songjiang district, xinming road, maogang City Industrial Park, No. 380 map
CompanyBrief:Shanghai million better joint all electronic limited. is committed to power, and power table magnetic maintained following electrical of research and development, and production and sales, company by virtue of for decades years of following electrical research and development and manufacturing experience, is now has development into domestic maximum of magnetic maintained following electrical professional manufacturing manufacturers one of, comprehensive economic benefits ranked domestic industr...
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