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Shijiazhuang TonHe Electronics Co., Ltd. 通合电子 TonHe LOGO
CompanyName:Shijiazhuang TonHe Electronics Co., Ltd. - TonHe
CompanyIdea:Symbiotic win-win situation, with users, partners, employees formed a community of interests 
CompanyPhone:0311-86036090(市场部) 0311-86967416(办公室)
CompanyAddress:Xiang-jiang Hi-tech Zone, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, No. 319 Tianshan Road, Industrial Park, Building 12, map
CompanyBrief:Electronic communication is a joint commitment to innovation in power electronics, high-frequency switching power supply and related electronic products development, production, sales and service in one, providing customers with system solutions for high-tech energy companies. Founded in 1998, after more than ten years of rapid development, the company has developed five series 100 kinds of high-tech products covering power, high-speed trains, communications, metallurgy, shipbuilding, military, ...
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