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Shanxi Yuguang Cable Co., Ltd. 宇光电缆 YGDL LOGO
CompanyName:Shanxi Yuguang Cable Co., Ltd. - YGDL
CompanyIdea:Efforts scraps and innovation! 
CompanyPhone:86 0356-3661407
CompanyAddress:Jincheng City, Shanxi Province village of Northern Rock Shop Stuart map
CompanyBrief:Company's existing mining cable, power cable, wire cloth (BV line), copper rod production plant. The main products include: General rubber sheathed flexible cables, plastic power cables, welding cables, flexible cables Shearer shielded monitor, mobile fire-retardant cables used in coal mine, coal mine and surface cross-linking with 35Kv and below the cable, overhead wire, overhead insulated cables, waterproof cables, fire-retardant fire-resistant cables, low smoke zero halogen cables, envir...
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