energy saving transformer - 公司产品 - 企卡在线
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公司产品>energy saving transformer
简介:Wenzhou Modern Group is the best China energy saving transformer manufacturer and supplier, as a professional company, we have our own factory. Welcome to wholesale energy saving transformer, transf

Wenzhou Modern Group is the best China energy saving transformer manufacturer and supplier, as a professional company, we have our own factory. Welcome to wholesale energy saving transformer, transformer with cabinet, power saving transfomer, energy saving transformer, energy saver, transformer for power saver products from us.
Many types of electrical equipment work perfectlywell on a voltage lower than the standard mains msupply. This is particularly true for equipment
designed to operate on 380V or 400V three phase supplies where the supply is 415V. The actual power supply is higher than necessary the
equipment will consume more power than needed and in many cases, equipment life is reduced, effectively increasing the cost of ownership.
Energy Saving Transformer(EST) helps organizations make some of the biggest financial savings possible on their energy bills by reducing
the mains voltage used to power electrical equipment. It is a tapped auto-transformer which reduces voltage by up to 12% by a fixed amount,
making it ideal for sites with a reasonably stable voltage supply. At full load the EST Voltage Optimization delivers efficiency of more than 99% which can realize energy savings of up to 20%.
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