CompanyName: | Jilin Forest Industry Co.,Ltd. - JLSG | CompanyIdea: | Efforts scraps, innovation! | CompanyWebsite: | http://www.jlsg.com.cn | CompanyPhone: | 86-931-8415501 | CompanFax: | 86-931-8414606 | CompanyAddress: | Chaoyang District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, Yan'an Street, 1399  | CompanyBrief: | Jilin Forest Industry Co., Ltd. was founded in September 1998. Cultivation and timber harvesting and forest-based, forest product processing-oriented, technology-driven development, forest industry and trade integration, Chan Jiaxiao modern large-scale forestry enterprises. Main business of forest harvesting, timber, plywood, forest products processing and marketing, import and export trade. Since its establishment, some of the major economic indicators in the same industry leading standards. En... |
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