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公司产品>application of dismite
简介:Compatibility: DisMite is one nonionic surfactant which is safe and compatible with almost other agrochemicals. Application Timing: DisMite can be applied at any time expect when plants are un

DisMite is one nonionic surfactant which is safe and compatible with almost other agrochemicals.
Application Timing:
DisMite can be applied at any time expect when  plants are under stress.
Applications and Suggested Rate:
Mix  DisMite in the water at rate as 0.2~0.5Ml DisMite per 1Liter Water, then spray.  This application can especially dismiss twospottedspider mites, southern red  mite , maple spider mite, honey locust spider mite, euonymus mite, boxwood  spider mite, tumid mite, Lewis mite, False spider mites, Rust mites, tarsonemid  mites, broad mites, cyclamen mite and other tiny but tough insects easier for  greenhouse.
DisMite can  be used with fungicides, insecticides & acaricides, herbicides, PGRs and  fertilizers in arable crops, horticulture, viniculture, vegetables, flowers,  and forestry. Normally we just mix Di8.sMite with other agrochemicals. This  application mainly in order tocarry and spread other agrochemicals acting as  an tank mix adjuvant.
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