CompanyName: | Hangzhou JWG Technology Co.Ltd - HangzhouJWGTechnol | CompanyIdea: | Hard work and innovation! | CompanyWebsite: | http://www.ceramic-metal-parts.com | CompanyPhone: | 86-571-85124910 | Email: | cjd1233@163.com | CompanyAddress: | Rm 1108, E-Time Business Building, 76# Gucui Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310012, China  | CompanyBrief: | Hangzhou JWG Technology Co.Ltd is a high technology corporation specialized in manufacturing and sales of advanced Ceramics and precision metal parts for more than 16 years. Our fine ceramic parts, such as Alumina Al2O3, Zirconia ZrO2, Silicon Carbide SiC, Silicon Nitride Si3N4 and Steatite which are made by dry-pressing, Cold Isostatic Pressing CIP, hot-casting and high pressure injection, have been extensively applied in various industries, such as chemistry, electrical equipment , mining, Tex... |