CompanyName: | Suzhou Fukuda Laser Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. - FUKUDA | CompanyIdea: | we focus and specialize in laser instrument | CompanyWebsite: | http://www.fukudalaser.com/ | CompanyPhone: | 0512-67420081 67420082 | CompanFax: | 0512-67489812 | CompanyAddress: | YANG ROAD, SUZHOU INDUSTRIAL PARK VENTURE CAPITAL INDUSTRY 57  | CompanyBrief: | company is professional research, and production and sales laser engineering class instrument of Sino-foreign joint ventures, laser engineering class instrument is new industry, instrument widely of should for building construction, and equipment installed, and decoration, and road construction, industry, due to can convenient of provides level and vertical benchmark, and swept global, global demand in 10 billion dollars above, in recent years import domestic market, demand sharp rose, domestic ... |