CompanyName: | Cangzhou Senary Chemical Science-tech Co., Ltd. - SENARY | CompanyIdea: | integrity, communication, cooperation | CompanyWebsite: | http://www.senary.com/ | CompanyPhone: | 0086-317-3563899 | CompanFax: | 0086-317-3563199 | CompanyAddress: | JINDE ROAD CANGZHOU IN HEBEI PROVINCE, 168TH  | CompanyBrief: | that Swiss technology long-term focused Yu diabetes and old dementia syndrome area drug of research and and production, which Glimepiride urea (diabetes drug area) and hydrochloride more at Cornell effect aligned (Alzheimer's class drug area) respectively has raw materials drug and all involved intermediate of series production capacity, and to international leading of production technology, and technology and excellent of products quality become global production series most complete, and ... |