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News>Kona in the weight into the MSCI China Index continued to be favored by investors
Kona in the weight into the MSCI China Index continued to be favored by investors

2 10 February, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) announced that its index of global standards in the China Index in the re Kona decided to enter into a new constituent stocks, changes will on February 28 after the close of entry into force. Zoomlion into account after the MSCI China Index and 0.33%weight of index funds automatically from a passive buying 1.1 billion. Friday Zoomlion A + H both closed, Hong Kong stocks up 4.2%strength. China stock index marks Zoomlion company size, liquidity, that is obtained in a short time, including the importance of Hong Kong investors, including the recognition of international investors is Zoomlion another in the capital markets a major achievement.

MSCI China Index by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) China concept stocks compiled by tracking the performance of the index, according to MSCI Global Investable Market Index (GIMI) method for the preparation of the preparation is part of MSCI index of emerging countries. MSCI China Index is currently included in the territory, mainly Hong Kong-listed Chinese companies.

MSCI different markets in the global market index compiled by local and global index. In preparing the index, you must first study by professionals, after the country's political economy, prepared in accordance with scientific methods. In the past 35 years, MSCI has established a set of large investment institutions recognized by the international market index system, the vast majority of funds invest in selected global markets benchmark indices. According to UBS estimates, follow the index in Asia outside Japan, the passive index fund index, the current market value of one thousand three hundred billion. Fund company stocks in the configuration according to the company in the MSCI index weighting, so that it does not fund performance the performance of the benchmark index will have excessive deviation.
Has been, MSCI are constantly changing based on market and economic environment, optimize their index system so that it can accurately reflect a market value of investment, and is constantly expanding cross-border investors continued to focus groups in the stock collection. MSCI China Index is a vast index of the system of its most popular index of institutional investors.

included in the choice of stock index, MSCI main consideration three factors: (1) company the size of free trade; (2) the company's position in the industry and representative; (3) mobility such as average daily trading volume, trading accounted for the percentage of such market value.

MSCI China Index in the selection of those who owned stocks listed in Hong Kong stock market value of the flow of large, active, with industry representation as a constituent stock shares of Zoomlion index of H shares are part of China is that the size of Zoomlion, high liquidity and the mechanical engineering industry in China, leading recognized by MSCI. In view of the authority and the MSCI index of science, the selection will further enhance Zoomlion in the image on the international capital markets by more international investors.

the other hand, many large fund companies in the MSCI index when the asset allocation as an important reference index for the selected China Zoomlion bring a significant number of H shares and buying needs trading volume. More international investors will join Zoomlion portfolio. Zoomlion joined MSCI China Index Zoomlion marks in the international capital market development has taken a solid step for the company to further develop overseas markets, increase market awareness will play an important role.

H shares in the Union on December 23 last year, strong performance since listing, trading up 8.0%on the first day, as of Feb. 11 closing price of 18.44 yuan, rose sharply by 23.1%cumulative; Hang Seng Index over the same period fell by 0.9%, H-share index and the MSCI China Index fell 4.2%. H shares in the Union's outstanding performance reflects the investor the full trust and support for companies, as well as the important position of equity capital markets.

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