News>Bates method of vision to introduce China to resume training device A pupil born |
Bates method of vision to introduce China to resume training device A pupil born Datetime:2011-06-23
Brief: Vision training is a method to restore the eye through training, to strengthen the ciliary muscle, relax the lens, which method of treatment of myopia. This method was first applied to the U.S. vision ophthalmologist Dr. Bates students the training and recovery, it is also commonly called "Bates Method." Bates method after the advent in New York on 37 years of clinical practice, significant results have been verified. Bates's "vision training Restoration Act", ciliary muscle training, relaxation lens, in theory, to improve the vision to be effective, but very difficult to implement. Because of this training method is very complicated, difficult to grasp myopic children, do not know how to look and see how far can we effectively regulate ciliary muscle, one need expert guidance, training two hours a day, the children difficult to adhere to, so it is difficult to get a large area of promotion and application. Bates eyesight training on how to restore law has been promoted, so that more children benefit from myopia, is home to an eye specialist scientific research has been difficult. Half a century later, the A pupil visual acuity using computer virtual technology research group, and finally the use of instruments to achieve the reproduction of Bates' vision training Recovery Act, "A pupil restore vision training device was born. A pupil vision training device used to restore the international cutting-edge 3D imaging technology, microcomputer-controlled cursor, refracted through the lens to the mirror, in the dark room cabin to see the cursor automatically adjust to a few meters, tens, hundreds of meters, even infinity, so that the eyes see near or far, 20 seconds back and forth week, the reproduction of the instrument in Bates' visual training method ", ciliary muscle training, relaxation lens, to control the development of myopia, the effective protection of the role of vision.
A pupil