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News>Lenovo COO Luorui De quit as CEO and president of AMD
Lenovo COO Luorui De quit as CEO and president of AMD
Source:Artesyn TechnologiesDatetime:2011-08-25

AMD President and CEO Luo Ruide (Rory Read)
Beijing August 25 news, AMD on Thursday named former COO and president of Lenovo Group Luorui De (Rory Read) as CEO and president, resigned to take over in January of this year, Dmitry g (Dirk Meyer).

Luorui De joined Lenovo Group in 2009 as a Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, responsible for Lenovo's business process management system and daily operations. Before joining AMD as the former COO of Lenovo Group (COO) and President.

Prior to joining Lenovo, Reid has 23 years at IBM successful career, he worked in many important management positions. Reid's last position at IBM Global Services is the global managing partner of the industrial sector. At that time, he was responsible for worldwide consulting services industry's global sales and contracts signed work.

Under his leadership, the global industrial sector, customer satisfaction, revenue and profits had risen. Reid's leadership role is reflected in the sector transition to Internet-based business model them. He also served as IBM vice president of e-business department, he was responsible for defining and implementing the e-business strategy and execution sites. The business group annual revenue $ 21 billion, and saved the company $ 1 billion.

Reid also served as IBM Business Innovation Services Asia Pacific general manager, Global Services vice president of global industry. In Reid's leadership, the department has maintained double-digit annual revenue growth percentage. In addition, he successfully integrated the Asia-Pacific Business Advisory Services.

Reid has a bachelor's degree Hart Wick School of Information Systems.

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