Company Introduction - China Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd. - Cardofcom
Company Introduction

China Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd. is China's cradle of heavy-duty automotive industry, the country's largest heavy-duty vehicle production base. Is the first of a heavy truck - "Yellow River" maker, is also the first comprehensive introduction of foreign heavy-duty vehicle manufacturing technology and a giant truck joint venture with the world business, consistently providing the best to the community products and best service, leading the development direction of China's heavy-duty vehicles. Known as the most competitive and growing international company.

CNHTC business: The main organization development, production and sales of various trucks, special vehicles, buses , private cars, modified cars, engines and crew, auto parts, special chassis; group members needed for the production of goods and oil products supply and sales; mechanical processing; road transport, technology development, consulting and service; oil sales and permitted within the scope of import and export business (limited to the Group's import and export companies).

China National Heavy Duty Truck workers a total of 2.3 million, of which more than 3,500 engineering and technical personnel. R & D, product design, with state-level enterprise technology development centers and certified through the National Automotive Test Center, and has a Class A qualification of the Design Institute.

vehicle production, with a six vehicle manufacturers (Jinan Truck Co., Ltd., Jinan Commercial Vehicle Co. , Jinan special vehicles Co., Ltd., Jining Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., Jinan and Chengdu HOWO ace Bus Co., Ltd. Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd.). Two wholly-owned special vehicle manufacturers (SINOTRUK Special Vehicle Co., Ltd., Jinan Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.). Four holding special vehicle manufacturers (Five Sacred Mountains of China Heavy Duty Truck Group Taian Special Vehicle Co., Ltd., China Heavy Duty Truck Group Co., Ltd. Liuzhou Special Purpose Vehicle capacity, Hubei Warwick Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd., Mianyang, Sichuan Province Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.).

vehicle marketing, internal marketing has five separate units (Jinan Truck Sales of shares, Jinan Commercial Vehicle sales, Jining Commercial Vehicle Sales, vehicles sales, passenger sales); seven vehicle export unit (Group Import & Export Co., Ltd., the Department of Asia and Europe, Asian-American Affairs, Department of Asia and Russia, Asia, Australia Division, North Africa Department and the South African Department).

assembly manufacturing, the axle assembly by the Jinan Bridge Box Company Limited, Power Division, by the power system Organization Department of the Jinan engine, Hangzhou Engine Co., Ltd., Jinan Fuqiang Power Co., Ltd. Chongqing, four units of fuel injection system; transmission assembly transmission by the Ministry of Jinan, Datong Gear two manufacturing units.

parts manufacturing, has specialized in auto parts production parts manufacturing department of Jinan, Jinan, rubber and plastic parts manufacturing Department, Jinan Auto Parts Co., Ltd..

auto finance business, owned by the China Banking Regulatory Commission has approved a qualified financial services CNHTC Finance Limited, Xinhai company limited by guarantee, Fortune Small Loan Agency.

real estate development and property management, has qualified with the appropriate real estate development companies, property companies.

CNHTC main production layout is now mainly located in Jinan City Central, home town of the party, Jinan Hi-tech District, Zhang Qiuming water zone, long clear zone areas. Jinan, Hangzhou Xiaoshan mainly outside, Datong, Shanxi, Chongqing, Qingdao City, Jining, Tai'an City, Chengdu and other places.

CNHTC adhere to all market-oriented over the past decade, established a HOWO-A7, HOWO, Sri Lanka King Lear too, Steyr, Prince, Hao Chun, Lucky and other top ten products, the development and has various models 2700, formed the current vehicle the most comprehensive product series model truck. Accumulated patented, 1090, of which 940 patents, patents continue to maintain the status of the national automotive industry first. In addition, the development of national standards for 24 heavy truck industry, including 863 projects 2. CNHTC in the fierce market competition, with a technological innovation, new product development, quality improvement, production and distribution, marketing network and financial strength, enhancing the overall quality, and establish a new corporate image, the accumulation of development stamina, and enhance the overall strength of competition in the market.

CNHTC adhere to the "scientific development, rational management, careful operation, the pursuit of best value" approach to business reform and reorganization of decades, rapid production and management to achieve a healthy and stable development. Eleventh Five-Year period, as the domestic heavy truck industry leader, not only the production and management of China National Heavy Duty Truck work to maintain a sustained, rapid and healthy development momentum, and adhere to the independent development and improve industrial layout, strengthen internal management, improve enterprise control, cohesion and the overall competitiveness of the domestic heavy truck industry is running to become the best quality companies. November 28, 2007, China National Heavy Duty Truck (Hong Kong) Limited was successfully listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the global public offering, financing the first phase of 9.95 billion Hong Kong dollars, becoming the first domestic manufacturing red chips listed in Hong Kong, also so far the largest amount of financing in the Hong Kong-listed domestic manufacturing enterprises. 2008, 2009, China National Heavy Duty Truck overcome the natural disaster, raw material prices, the financial crisis and other negative factors, continue to maintain a good momentum of development, has always maintained a leading position. In 2009, President Hu Jintao, Wu Bangguo, Premier Wen Jiabao has visited China Heavy Duty Truck Group, to encourage China to adhere to the scientific development of Heavy Duty Truck Group, to continue to make great efforts in innovation, to revitalize the national automotive industry to make greater contribution. October 7, 2009, the Chinese heavy truck with the German MAN company long-term strategic cooperation projects approved by the Chinese government relevant ministries and other relevant approval procedures by the official launch. May 1-9, 2010, cumulative sales of heavy vehicles CNHTC up 71.02%; sales revenue increased by 47.35%; taxes and profits increased by 93.48%and 98.55%.

CNHTC Twelfth Five-Year Development of the general guiding principle is: "Three Represents" important thought guidance, earnestly implement the scientific concept of development, in-depth study of the party of the seventh session of the Fifth Plenum. Scientific development, rational management, careful operation, to achieve best value; emancipate our minds, reform and innovation, seize opportunities and accelerate development; adhere to the way, adjust the structure to form a new pattern of industrialization, create and develop new advantages. To enhance the overall quality, and further to China's heavy truck to do good, stronger, bigger, striving to enter the world top 500. Second five the development of specific objectives are: to create one million level enterprise, to the second five at the end, the sales income reached 2,000 yuan; heavy truck products reach the world advanced level; construction industry led to heavy trucks, medium and light passenger special vehicles and construction machinery full range of commercial enterprises; efforts to promote the breakthrough real estate and financial business development, the Chinese heavy truck into an internationally influential group of large commercial enterprises.

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