CompanyName: | Beijing First Machine Tool Plant - BYJC | CompanyIdea: | Efforts scraps, innovation! | CompanyWebsite: | http://www.byjc.com.cn | CompanyPhone: | 010-89496161 | CompanyAddress: | Forest River, Shunyi District, Beijing Shuanghe Street No. 16 Industrial Development Zone  | CompanyBrief: | Beijing First Machine Tool Plant was founded in 1949, and the Republic of peers, is a country with glorious history and achievements of large state-owned enterprises. North for the past 60 years to provide various types of industries of national economy down milling, bed type milling machine, a round table milling machine, CNC boring and milling drilling machine, vertical and horizontal machining centers, CNC drilling center and heavy, super heavy-duty CNC gantry milling machine, gantry machinin... |
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