CompanyName: | Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Industry Co., Ltd - CHINASEC | CompanyIdea: | Create a comfortable living and striving for excellence, never satisfied | CompanyWebsite: | http://www.chinasec.cn | CompanyPhone: | (021)68547168 | CompanFax: | (021)68547170 | CompanyAddress: | Minsheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai No. 1286 Department of Business Building, 9th Floor  | CompanyBrief: | Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Co., Ltd. is a leading mechanical and electrical equipment manufacturing enterprises China's rapid development of large listed companies, its parent company, China's largest equipment manufacturing group listed in Hong Kong - Shanghai Electric Group Co., one of the pillars of an important industry, bear the heavy responsibility the development of mechatronics plate. Lift the company's business involves manufacturing, refrigeration and air condi... |